Panama Mission Trip 2024


March 17–24, 2024


Panama City, Panama


See details below


With its vibrant people and unique culture, Panama attracts many tourists from around the world. But few who visit ever see the desperate need that now exists in the many indigent communities just outside its popular vacation destinations. 

Poverty and unemployment have increased significantly over the past several years due to the pandemic, with 10 percent of the population now suffering extreme poverty. To make matters worse, the healthcare system is antiquated, including a lack of medicines, long waiting lists, poor infrastructure, and rampant corruption. As such, these communities do not have access to quality medical care.

However, even in the midst of this crisis, the precious people in these communities have an earnest desire to learn more about Christ. That’s why Amazing Facts and Granite Bay Hilltop SDA Church are planning a much-needed mission trip in March 2024—to serve as Christ would have us serve, including construction projects, health and dental clinics, revival, and outreach training.


Several Sabbath-keeping churches in the region do not have a place to meet for regular worship. Home churches are common, but this limits the number of people who can attend worship together. We will work on two construction projects to help build larger centers of fellowship and worship. 

The first construction site will be at Princesa Mia. The congregation there is currently meeting under a metal roof overhang. We will be building them a new church facility.

The second site will be at Loma de Guadalupe. They have a church building started; we will help them complete the work.


In partnership with the Panamanian Institute of Special Needs (IPHE), we will be hosting a health clinic to provide free professional medical and dental care to the local community. The school facility has 14 classrooms that will be utilized for this much-needed ministry. 

We will also be presenting a Bible program for children of the school, which has 800 students with special needs. The program will be tailored especially to these children, teaching them about Jesus while also engaging them in many outdoor activities.


Sabbath-keeping pastors in Panama are fervent workers for the Lord, and their desire to grow in the work is great, but economic limitations prevent them from receiving the evangelism training they need to be effective shepherds. So Pastor Doug Batchelor and a team from the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) will meet with 400 to 500 local pastors and other church leaders for outreach training; we’ll also equip them with helpful resources to help them in the local gospel work.


At the end of the trip, Sabbath, March 23, Pastor Doug will host a revival series at the Panama Convention Center. We are expecting 5,000 people to join us.

If you are unable to go but want to support this mission project, please donate today!



March 17: Arrival in Panama City (Tocumen International Airport; PTY)

March 18–21: Construction workdays, children’s outreach, health clinic

March 22: Sight-seeing excursion

March 23: Sabbath Revival Rally, “Saturday of Brotherhood,” at the Panama Convention Center

March 24: Departure

NOTE: If you arrive in Panama prior to Sunday, March 17, or depart after March 24, you will be responsible for your own lodging, meals, and transportation.

Transportation to and from the airport, hotel, and work and outreach sites will be provided.


  1. A valid U.S. passport is required. Must be valid for a minimum of 6 months prior to expiration.

  2. Printed hotel info. We will provide you with copies.

  3. Conference invitation letter. We will provide you with a copy.

Currently, no proof of COVID vaccination is required to enter the United States.

Check online for recommended vaccines and medicines. Consider visiting your doctor four to six weeks before the trip for further medical advice and any necessary treatment.

Summit Rainforest Hotel
Av Omar Torrijos Herrera, Panamá, Panama

NOTE: If you arrive in Panama prior to Sunday, March 17, or depart after March 24, you will be responsible for your own lodging, meals, and transportation.


Size: 46,924 square miles
Capital: Panama City
Population: 4,350,000
Official Language: Spanish
Religions: Catholicism (52%), other Christian (33%), non-religious (13%)
Currency: U.S. Dollar
Power: 120V.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Water: Drink only unopened bottled water or other drinks unless you confirm that it is purified.
Climate:  The nation of Panama sits between the Pacific and Atlantic and connects Central America with South America. It has a tropical climate, warm and humid, with a long season of rain from about May to December and a short dry season from about January to May. The yearly average temperature is around 81 degrees Fahrenheit, and total yearly rainfall is about 74.8 inches. These numbers can change depending on where you are in the country and the altitude. The weather in Panama can be influenced by El Niño, tropical cyclones, and sea surface temperatures, but generally, high temperatures range from 88 to 94 degrees, with lows around 68 and 72 degrees.


Meals and accommodations: 

Fee includes: accommodation/food for 7 days 
 Single person  $850
 Family of two/married couple  $1000
 Family of three  $1150
 Family of four  $1300

Maximum occupancy is 4 adults per room. The only exception is if you have a child 5 years or under, equaling 5 persons total.

If your party/family has more than 4 people over 5 years old you will have to pay for an extra room.


Airfare: Must be purchased on your own.

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If you have questions or concerns, please write to


Important Notice: Dear Friends, we are truly humbled and grateful for the incredible response we've received for our upcoming 2024, Panama Mission Trip. Due to an overwhelming surge in applications, we find ourselves in the position of needing to close the registration phase earlier than anticipated. This level of enthusiasm demonstrates the depth of commitment within our congregation to spread the three angel’s messages to all the world and we are excited to embark on this meaningful journey together. As much as we wish we could accommodate everyone, our current hotel availability presents a limitation that necessitates this decision at this time. However, please note that we are actively exploring options to potentially reopen registration at a later time, if in the event that some participants choose to withdraw from the mission trip. Your dedication and understanding during this process are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your ongoing support of Amazing Facts International and the Granite Bay Hilltop Seventh-Day Adventist church as we strive to make this mission trip a remarkable and impactful experience for all involved.


If you are unable to go but want to support this mission project, please donate today!